High school athletes should plan to attend Meet the Team Night this coming Tuesday, August 15, at 7:00 pm in Listiak Auditorium. The meeting with begin with a large group presentation and then split up into individual team meetings.
MIDDLE SCHOOL FOOTBALL -- The coaching staff will be holding a voluntary conditioning camp from 6:00-7:30 pm on August 14-16 at Baseline's Field, prior to the start of official practice on 8/21. All Baseline Football Players are encouraged to attend.
REMINDER: Signups for Little Lady Rams are right around the corner. See the attached flyer for more information.
FINAL REMINDER: High school fall sports begin practice on Monday, August 7. In order to participate, your athlete must have a current physical on file in the office, and must be fully registered in FinalForms (your athlete's profile should appear GREEN in FinalForms). It is a good idea for parents and student to double-check before Monday's practice. Failure to complete all of the information may result in your athlete NOT BEING ABLE TO PRACTICE, so check it out.
RAM FANS PLEASE NOTE: In order to keep up with the rising costs of programming, the Southwestern Athletic Conference (SAC) has voted to raise admission to sporting events for the 2023-2024 school year. Starting this fall, South Haven Athletics will be charging $6 for admission to high school events, and $4 for middle school events. We appreciate your support of our student-athletes and look forward to a great year.
Fall High School Sports Meet the Team Night will be Tuesday, August 15 in Listiak Auditorium at 7:00 pm. Athletes and parents are strongly encouraged to attend.
SCHEDULES for South Haven Fall Sports are now updated and available on our website. You can access them through our website or mobile app by going to: https://www.shps.org/o/athletics/athletics
High School Cross Country -- Practice will begin on Monday, August 7 at 8:00 AM outside the South Haven High School Gym. Questions can be directed to Coach Lindsay DeLorme at ldelorme@shps.org.
High School Swimming & Diving -- Practice will begin on Monday, August 7, from 8:30-10:30 AM at the South Haven High School Pool. Questions can be directed to Coach Julie Bell at juliebell616@gmail.com .
Middle School Sideline Cheer -- Will begin practice on Monday, August 21 from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm in front of SHHS, near Listiak Auditorium. Practice will move to 4:00-6:00 pm once school starts. Questions can be directed to Coach Kathleen Lira at klira@shps.org.
Practice for HS Sideline Cheer will begin on Monday, August 7 and will run from 5:00-7:00 pm. It will take place in front of the high school building near Listiak Auditorium. Questions can be directed to Head Coach Rachel Burson at rachelburson09@gmail.com.
As you know, for the past two years, South Haven Public Schools along with many other districts across the county, state, and nationally, have been impacted by a bus driver shortage. With the generous assistance of our school families volunteering to transport student athletes to competitions this year, our kids have enjoyed great athletic experiences. We are truly grateful to our dedicated parents/guardians and coaches for coming together to support our students in this way and ask that we continue to utilize the systems we’ve put in place going into the 2023-24 school year.
If you have a middle or high school student participating in athletics and are willing to transport kids to and from competitions, etc., please take a moment to fill out the Volunteer Form. This is a required form to drive students and generates a simple background check to further ensure safety. You can find the form by going to: https://southhavenmi.sites.thrillshare.com/page/volunteer-applications
We thank you, again, for assisting the district in making the best out of a difficult situation. The district is actively searching for bus drivers! If you or someone you know may be interested, please reach out to us at (269) 637-0500 or apply at www.shps.org
Boys MS Soccer — Practice will begin at North Shore Soccer Fields on Monday, August 21 and run from 3 o’clock to 4:30 PM. Players should bring water, shin pads, and appropriate clothing & shoes. Questions can be directed to Coach Branden Holtzman at bholtzman@shps.org.
There will be a voluntary camp for Baseline MS athletes in grades 7 & 8 that are interested in playing football this fall for the school. The camp will run Monday July 31st, Wednesday (8/2) & Thursday (8/3) from 6:00-7:30 pm at Baseline Football Field. Questions can be directed to Coach Mario Fonseca at mfonseca04@yahoo.com, Coach Seddie Blunt at flip_santiago09@yahoo.com.
MIDDLE SCHOOL FOOTBALL— will begin official practice from 4 to 6 pm at Baseline’s Field beginning on Monday, August 21. The team is open to South Haven Athletes in seventh & eighth grade, and more information will be found at the Baseline Football Facebook page. Questions can be directed to Coach Mario Fonseca at mfonseca04@yahoo.com, Coach Seddie Blunt at flip_santiago09@yahoo.com.
REMINDER: South Haven High School will be hosting a physical night on Tuesday, August 1 from 5:00 - 8:00 pm. The cost will be $40 per student.
Students MUST have a physical to participate in middle school or high school-sponsored sports.
See the attached flyer for information about our Little Lady Rams Girls Youth Basketball Program. Signups are 8/14, 8/16, 8/21 & 8/23 in the SHHS Cafeteria. The program is open to girls in K-5th grade and costs $45.
Help support our South Haven Cheer Team. See the attached information about their car wash this Saturday (7/29).
Dear Parents,
Official fall sports practices for South Haven's High School Teams begin August 7, and for Baseline's Teams begin August 21. This is a reminder that your athlete may not participate unless you've take care of the following items:
1) All athletes MUST have a completed sports physical on file in the office before participating in practice. Physicals must be done April 15 of this year or more recently. For your convenience, South Haven High School will be hosting a physical night on August 1, from 5:00 to 8:00 PM. The cost is $40.
2) Athletes must be fully registered in FinalForms, our online record-keeping program. If your student was registered last year, you must login this summer and update your forms for the new 23-24 school year. If your athlete is new to SH Athletics, or an upcoming sixth grader, you must register for the first time. You can find information at: https://southhavenmi.sites.thrillshare.com/o/athletics/article/800654
Finally, start times, and locations, information and schedules are available at the South Haven Athletics Website, or the South Haven Athletics Facebook, and Instagram Page.
Thank you and enjoy the rest of your summer.
With the fall sports season approaching I wanted to run this one more time.
Officiating is a tough job. Many good officials are getting older, or poor behavior has chased them out of their role. We need good officials more than ever. Due to the law of supply and demand, officiating rates have recently gone up significantly. Here are some examples of what the SAC Conference will pay next year:
Var. Football -- $120 per game
Var. Softball & Baseball -- $180 per double header
Freshman Basketball -- $60 per game
Var. Wrestling -- $90 per dual meet
Track Starter -- $110 per dual meet
If you love sports, are a recent grad who wants to stay involved in the sport you love, or just someone looking to make a little extra money, see the attached document for the SAC Conference. It is intended for recent grads, but provides information about how to get registered as an official, and how to join an officials' association. If you need more information, please contact the South Haven Athletic Office at 269-637-0503.
You can see our full article by going to: https://www.shps.org/o/athletics/article/1140469