Hold on everybody, Homecoming is not over! Because of the cancellation of this Friday's game, we have decided to continue the celebration next week.
Scheduled Events:
*Saturday, September 25 - Semi-Formal Dance from 7:00-10:00 p.m. (Don't forget to wear your mask). See Daily Bulletin for full details.
*S.H.H.S. Dress-up days for next week:
Monday - Jersey Day
Tuesday - Pink day
Wednesday College Day
Thursday - Hawaiian Shirt Day
Friday - Purple and Gold Day
*Tuesday- Dig Pink Volleyball game starts at 1:00
*Friday - Staff vs Student Kickball @ 1:00 p.m.
*Friday - Homecoming Parade. Line-up is at 5:00 and the parade starts at 5:30. Everybody is welcome to participate!
*Friday night football game is Senior night and the crowning the King and Queen.
Let's have another Ramtastic Week!