Monday, March 14 a Registered Dental Hygienist with the Van Buren/Cass District Health Department (VBCDHD) will provide dental health services to SHHS students at no cost. Services include oral health screening/exam, sealants on permanent molars, fluoride varnish, and teeth cleaning. Dental insurance (Medicaid, Healthy Kids Dental, MI Child, other private insurance) will be billed for services provided. If you do not have dental insurance or lack coverage for the services provided, there will be no cost to you. Pick up a consent form from the front office, complete it, and return it to Ms. Jenks. For questions or more information contact the school at 269-637-0502 or contact VBCDHD at 269-621-3143/
VBHD Dental Clinic
March 8, 2022